产品故事 |
• 家庭生活化的健康产品随着“互联网+”时代的到来也悄然而至,因而温馨柔和的优迈斯科仪经由我们努力破茧而出。由于优迈斯科仪属于孕检类产品,产品的使用是比较隐私的,因此我们将其形象设计为迷你电子产品般,也让用户即便随身携带使用时也可避免尴尬,小巧圆润的整体造型让人倍感亲切,凸显女性关怀。
• 产品的使用相当便捷,插入各阶段试纸插片获得用户相关样品数据并通过手机反馈分析结果,让孕期检查变得轻松惬意。
• With the coming of “Internet plus” age, the household medical product industry is booming and the Youmaisi Tester emerges as a result of hard work. Due to its quality of being a privately-using pregnancy detection product, the Tester is designed in a fairly small size just like a mini electronic product, which is easy to carry and use. It smart and round outlook makes people feel easy, which shows the Tester’s care for women.
• Also, it is easy to use because the test bars of each pregnancy period can be put into the Tester and then all the data shall be processed and analyzed on your cellphone, thus making the pregnancy test much easier. |
服务内容 设计研究 造型设计 |
SERVISE Style Design , Rearch Design |