会社简介 |
• 爱谷设计来自日本,是一家秉承“匠人 ”精神的工业设计事务所。 |
• I.CO Design from Japan is anindustrial design office inheriting the ‘craftsman’ spirit. |
• 我们始终坚持日本最为严谨的设计开发流程,强调流程演进的“完整性”以及“自然性”。同时我们亦会导入名为“表里相依”的爱谷质量管理体系对各阶段工作成果进行严苛评审,以进一步确保各流程阶段的“准确性”。 |
• We have always adhered to the strictest design and development procedurein Japan and attached importance to “completion” and “naturalness” in the evolution of the procedure. Simultaneously, in order to ensure the “accuracy” of each stage, the working achievements of each stage are critically evaluated by I. CO quality control system named “Interdependent insides and outsides”. |
• 面对纷扰,我们以“守”、“破”、“离“的日本禅学思想为设计哲学,坚持诚实、务实的经营理念,为众多国内外一线企业持续提供着高水准的设计服务。 |
• In the face of turmoil, we adhere to the design philosophy of “inheritance”, “breakthrough” and “emptying”, which is introduced from Zen Buddhism. By holding the operation principle of “honesty” and “practicality”, we continuously provide top enterprises at home and abroad with high-end design service. |
• 我们不以某件作品的优秀而自满,但我们因整体输出品质之稳定而自信! |
• We will not become complacent when working out a certain excellent piece of work. However,we are confident because of the steady quality of our works! |

爱谷理念 |
• “守.破.离”源于日本的禅学思想,其深远地影响着日本设计的演化! |
• “Inheritance. breakthrough. emptying” is introduced from Zen Buddhism in Japan, which deeply influences the evolution of the design industry in Japan! |
守 • 即尊重传统,顺应自然,重于诚信!信守本源,方可立足于世事变化! |
破 • 即切勿过于执着。勇于挑战自我,寻求创新,方可求得长足发展! |
离 • 即事物皆两面,我们应放空自我,剥离于表象纷扰,多角度的审视问题,方可豁然开朗! |
• “守.破.离”亦是爱谷之行事准则。其作为方法论,有助于我们持续修正行事方向,诚实地为用户提供恰当的服务! |

服务范畴 |
• 爱谷设计是一家综合性设计服务机构,专注于医疗健康、办公自动化、工具建设、动力机械、工业设备等专业产品领域。 |
• As acomprehensive design service supplier, I. CO Design focuses on the following professionalfields: medical treatment and health, office automation, tool manufacturing, power machinery, industrial equipment, etc. |
• 我们为企业提供品牌战略、产品战略、用户体验、交互设计、产品设计、生产管理、市场推广等服务。至今,我们的团队已成功服务了众多世界知名企业,并多次荣获国际设计奖项。 |
• We provide enterprises with the following services: brand strategy, product strategy, user experience, interaction design, product design, production management, marketing, etc. Up to now, we have provided satisfactory service for many world famous enterprises and won international design awards many times. |
中日网络 |
• 借助地缘优势,爱谷设计持续为中日两国制造业以及设计学术界的合作与交流贡献微薄之力。至今,我们帮助了众多中日两国的企业成功实现了面向对方市场的产品投放。为了进一步强化信息及资源的共享,我们致力于吸纳各领域的伙伴公司并结成战略合作关系,建立中日合作网络的平台,以期为客户提供更加全面的服务。 |
• Relying on geographical advantages, I.CO Design has continuously made contribution to Sino-Japan cooperation and communication in manufacturing industry and design academia. So far, with our assistance, many enterprises in China and Japan have successfully input products designed for the market of the opposite side. In order to strengthen the information and resource sharing and provide customers with more comprehensive service, we devote ourselves to absorbing partners of each field to establish strategic cooperation relationship and to set up a platform for Sino-Japan cooperation network.
• Difference 株式会社是一家从事工业制品的机构设计、开发和支持的专业机构,致力于各种精密器械的设计开发,成功为国内多家白金级客户提供了完美的解决方案。 了解更多 http://www.difference.jp |
• Difference Corporation, a professional company engaging in design, development and supporting of industrial products, focuses on design and development of various precise instruments and has provided perfect solutions for many platinum-level customers in Japan. |
• ERG 株式会社是日本知名的综合广告代理商,其在市场调查分析,商品战略企业PR,店铺企划设计施工等领域中均有丰富的经验,客户涵盖花王,S.T.化学,NTT Docomo,Softbank等众多日本知名企业。 了解更多 http://www.erg-co.com |
• ERG Corporation, a famous comprehensiveadvertising agent in Japan, is experienced in market survey and analysis, product strategy, enterprise PR, store planning anddesign, etc. Customers of ERG includemany famous Japanese enterprises such as Kao, S.T. Chemical, NTT Docomo, Softbank, etc.
• 天津柴田精密模塑有限公司 2002年开始从事塑料产品的生产,是实现了包含模具设计制作、射出成形、涂装、印刷、组装的一元化生产的工厂。擅长生产对品质要求较高的精密产品,可与爱谷设计协力为客户提供从设计到制造的全流程解决方案。 了解更多 http://www.shibatagousei.co.jp/07overseas/tianjin.html |
• Tianjin Shibata Precision Molding Co., Ltd.,beginning the plastic products manufacturing from 2002, is a plantengaging in unified production including mold design and manufacturing, injection molding, coating, printing, assembly, etc. The company is good at precise products with higher quality requirement, which enables it to work with I.CO Design and to provide customers with thorough solutions covering matters from design to manufacturing. |

1991 STANLEY Battery Charger RUSH 5 1991 STANLEY Battery Charger RUSH 8 1991 STANLEY Battery Charger RUSH 10 1992 STANLEY Work light MJ1401 1993 Road sweeper Mr.air sweeper 2001 NIX Developing dental instruments Ring Ring2 2003 TAITO Karaoke system Lavca LVC-1 2003 ZENOAH Chainsaws G3200 2003 Color Card Printer Canon CX 350 2005 Diaper changing table Baby Seat MP 2005 ZENOAH Brushcutter BC2750DW-Hb 2005 COMBI Baby keep Slim FL 2006 ZENOAH Chainsaws G2000T 2006 COMBI Baby keep FIT FL 2008 COMBI Diaper changing table Baby Seat MS |
2013 TCM Meridian Detector SHXK-JL-100 2013 Inverter Gasoline Generator SD1000i 2014 OPTEC 304 Biological Microscope 2017 GS950i Digital Inverter Generator 2019 HRG Rise-up |