产品故事 |
• 在很多国家,人们非常重视齿科治疗,牙齿的保健与治疗渐渐融入了日常生活。在发达国家,牙科诊室已经不仅仅存在与医院中,而是成为更贴近生活的消费场所。因此,齿科治疗设备也在不断的改进更新,MORITA齿科治疗单元便应运而生。
• 作为独立的治疗单元,我们将齿科治疗中的各项功能设备整合为一体,由综合电脑中控台统一控制,使治疗过程更为便捷;为舒缓顾客治疗时的紧张感,我们将座椅设计为温馨的颜色,整体治疗单元也更多地使用柔和的曲面以增加亲和的感觉;人体工学的座椅更贴合人体曲线,全方位可调节,使顾客在接受治疗中更加舒适安心。 |
• In many countries, people attach great importance to the treatment of teeth, thus dental care and dental treatment have become a routine in their daily life. In the developed countries, dental clinic is now more an independent and heavily trodden location rather than a part of the hospital. Therefore, the dental treatment equipment is constantly advancing and upgrading, and the MORITA Dental Treatment Unit emerges.
• As an independent treatment unit, I.CO manages to combine all the functional equipment used in the dental treatment into one which was controlled by the central stack of a comprehensive computer, which makes the treatment process more convenient. To make clients less nervous, I.CO designs the product into an integral unit with comforting color and a curved surface. What’s more, the chair, taking human ergonomics into consideration, is adjustable in any direction, thus the users can feel more comfortable during the treatment. |
服务内容 设计研究 造型设计 结构设计 |
SERVISE Structural Design , Style Design , Rearch Design |