• 为shamood进军日本市场而设计的车载出风口固体香水,属于系列化产品中的外燃系列。棱角分明、硬朗潇洒的削切感塑造出强烈的男性特征,阳刚坚强;结构设计为分体拆装,便于固体香水的更换使用;对称的六边形造型设计表现出非凡的沉着与不屈;多样的配色酷炫十足,彰显无尽的性格魅力。
• Lighter is a solid vehicle-mounted air-outlet perfume designed to send
SHAMOOD into the Japanese market; it belongs to the “external combustion”
product series. With angular, hard and unrestrained cut, Lighter is filled with
a sense of masculinity; it can be disassembled to replace the solid perfume
inside; the asymmetry hexagon displays the quality of extraordinary composure
and perseverance; the various bright colors help to release the driver’s
personality charm.