

•     回归本源,键盘在桌面上大多处于静止状态,但其本身却一直随着敲击动作微微震动,所以键盘外观最自然的形态应该是与水平桌面视觉上一体化,同时具有动态的呼吸感——每一次按压键帽,都有空气从键帽区域向四周流动开来,朝着桌面散开。


•     Returning to its origin, the keyboard is mostly in a static state on the desktop, but it vibrates slightly with the tapping action. Therefore, the most natural appearance of the keyboard should be visually integrated with the horizontal desktop, and it also has a dynamic sense of breathing - every time you press the key cap, air flows from the key cap area to the surrounding and spreads towards the desktop.

•     It seems that a handful of water is constantly flowing down from the top of a square stone. After the baptism of time, the stone has the most natural flowing shape.

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