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产品故事 |
• 作为一种辅助呼吸治疗设备,为便利用户在不同场所中的移动与使用,故这款便携灵巧的呼吸神经肌肉刺激仪应运而生了。主要用于增加吸气和呼气两种肺部肌肉活动度、改善肺通气功能,防治呼吸肌萎缩,也对呼吸肌康复治疗和咳嗽无力患者排痰有辅助作用。 • 借助委托方提出的单手便携需求,在通过数次的人机工程学测试后,我们将把手的设计与精心排布的主体进行了巧妙地形体串联,在实现产品内部元件和外观上各功能区域合理排布的同时更形成了一款独特构成的外观,丰富且微妙变化的曲面巧妙地衔接在一起,使产品看上去更为小巧、灵动。除此之外,我们通过区分模块使屏幕周围的深色区域不仅与白色主体形成对比,更加凸显了LED的设计,在视觉上为用户带来了前沿的科技感。 |
• As a kind of auxiliary respiratory therapy equipment, the portable and dexterous respiratory neuromuscular stimulator comes into being in meeting the needs of moving and using in different circumstances. The device is mainly used to increase the activity of inspiratory and expiratory pulmonary muscles, improve pulmonary ventilation function, prevent and treat respiratory muscle atrophy, and it also has auxiliary effect on respiratory muscle rehabilitation treatment and sputum discharge for patients with cough weakness. • With the client’s requirement of carrying with a single hand, we have skillfully designed the handle artfully integrating with the elaborate arrangement of the main body in shaping after several ergonomic tests so that the reasonable arrangement of the internal components and the functional areas of the appearance of the product are realized; a unique appearance is formed; the rich and subtle surfaces are cleverly linked together. All these make the product look smaller and more flexible. In addition, with the partition module we make the dark area around the screen into a contrast with the white main body so that the design of LED is more highlighted bringing a cutting-edge sense of technology in vision. |
服务内容 设计研究 造型设计 模型制作 平面设计 |
SERVISE Mockup Making , Style Design , Rearch Design , Graphic Design |