产品故事 |
• 我们以科技与精致为主题,大量采用铝合金与玻璃面板等新型材料,营造出大气、极致的视觉效果。同时,色彩设计上我们也别具匠心地将驼色、银灰色以及深灰色巧妙组合,营造出“斯堪的纳维亚“式的低调奢华! • 为了进一步优化人机交互,我们学习设备操作并进行了大量的走访,提出了多达20项优化提案,并协助客户研发团队就产品布局及部分重要机械结构进行了深入优化。使设备的操作效率以及安全性分别提升了15%以及30%,真正实现了产品的“内外兼修”! |
• With science and exquisiteness as the topic, I.CO employs a lot of new
materials like the aluminum alloy and the glass panels, building a natural and
infinite visual effect. Meanwhile, I.CO innovatively chooses the color
combination of camel, silver grey and deep grey, creating a Scandinavian
low-profile luxurious feel. • To further optimize the human-machine interaction, I.CO learns about the equipment operation, carries out a lot of interviews, and brings forward as many as 20 optimization proposals. I.CO also helps the client’s R&D team to deeply optimize their product layout and the physical construction of key parts, as a result of which, the operation rate of the printer and its safety have increased 15% and 30% respectively and truly realizing the internal and external improvement of product. |
服务内容 设计研究 造型设计 平面设计 |
SERVISE Graphic Design , Style Design , Rearch Design |