怡和嘉业 通气面罩 |
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产品故事 |
• 为达到最佳的用户体验,我们针对于不同面部特征的用户进行了大量的测量与分析,最终诞生的这款设计通用于三种主框架不同尺寸规格的面罩,且在结构方面心思巧妙的实现了零件通用的低开模成本生产。同时满足用户在佩戴呼吸时各部位的尺寸限定,并且重新设计额垫与框架安装方式及额垫形式,在创新中实现了良好的专利规避。 • 在健康设备民众普及度日渐广泛的趋势下,设计师前瞻性的将“未来感”引入了此次设计,使产品更具精致的科技感。整体造型简约而不失活力,大曲面形态饱满挺括充满视觉张力,两侧排列的波纹状弧线是最为灵动的点睛之笔,加之飘逸的鼻架曲线,产品的未来感油然而生。细节设计同样保持精巧、准确的高水准,使得整体外观独特而不夸张,在呈现出产品专业感的同时也给用户带来了视觉上的安全感与舒适感。 |
• For the best experience of the users, we have done a lot measuring and analyzing work on the different facial features and finalized the design suitable for all three different sizes of the main frames with the craftiness on the structure using general parts of low mold-making costs. In meeting the requirements of dimensional limits at different positions in wearing and breathing, the frontal mat is modified and also the method of mounting the frame and the frontal mat to better avoid the patents in the innovation.
• Under the tendency of increasing popularity of medical and health equipment, the designer has prospectively introduced the "sense of the future" into his design to make the product more delicate and scientific. The integral figure of the product looks simple but full of vitality; the shape of large curved surface is full of visual tension; the wavy arc arranged on both sides is the most flexible finishing touch; especially, the elegant nose frame curve spontaneously gives the product a sense of future. The details of design also keep a high level of delicacy and accuracy, which makes the overall appearance unique without exaggeration, professional without insecurity or discomfort in vision.
服务内容 设计研究 造型设计 平面设计 |
SERVISE Structural Design , Style Design , Rearch Design |